
Bathroom Remodeling Experts in Raleigh
The Top 5 things our Customers want to know about Remodeling their Bathroom:
How Much does a Bathroom remodel cost?
The average cost of a bathroom remodel in 2025 in the Raleigh area is $29,000.
Obviously bathrooms with no tub or shower are less, and master bathrooms on the 2nd and 3rd floor are closer to the $50,000 range. Large, high end bathrooms can exceed $50,000.
Bathroom remodels are expensive due the amount of tradesmen involved for such a small space. Relocating, or adding plumbing and electric locations will add to the cost.
The aesthetics are the next biggest factor in determining the cost for a bathroom remodel. Our bathroom remodel cost calculator can help determine the cost for your project. The most comprehensive way to determine the cost, scope, and design is to have us out in person.
How long does a bathroom remodel take?
Most bathroom remodel projects can be completed in about 8-10 weeks. The extent of the remodel will determine the actual duration. The best way to streamline the project is through efficiency. Making decisions on aesthetics, and having them onsite helps ensure a smooth process. We have a proven process that organizes the trades, and the inspection process.
How do I choose a Bathroom Remodel Contractor?
The way to choose the best bathroom contractor is through verified, and longtime reviews. You will want to choose someone you will like working with, and who can answer your questions, even if you have not asked them. Taking the ambiguities away, and knowing what you are paying for are important as well. Top Contractors in Raleigh will have a proven track record, and have a proven process. You will also want to consider using a contractor who responds in a timely manner to phone calls and emails.
Why are bathroom remodels so expensive?
Bathroom remodels are expensive because there are many tradesmen, and aesthetic items within a relatively small space. The most expensive thing about a bathroom remodel is the plumbing and tile. Vanity and countertops are also a large ticket item. The current trend is to purchase a furniture piece vanity with an integrated countertop.
While this opens variety and reduces cost; they are not always optimal for applications where the space doesn’t accommodate the limited widths available. Furniture pieces typically come in 36”,42”,48”60,and 72” widths. Second and third floor bathrooms, and the age of the current bathroom are also key variables to consider. We also get asked:
How much should I spend on my bathroom remodel? Most bathroom remodels cost
$30,000 to $60,000, but the answer is not always a defined number. You should expect to get 75% return on your investment, and higher if your bathroom is outdated and in obvious need of renovation. The bathroom is your sanctuary of where you start and end your day, so ROI shouldn’t be the biggest factor when making decisions.
How to Choose the Elements in your Bathroom:
Tile or natural stone is the flooring of choice in bathroom remodeling projects. We offer zero entry showers for a sleek look which also accommodates those with disabilities and ADA requirements. Heated floors are also a popular current trend for those who want the utility of tile with added warmth. We add a preslope to all shower pans as well as additional waterproofing to ensure longevity. Set up an appointment with our partners at The Tile Shop to help you make a selection suited to your needs

There are many manufacturers of cabinets to choose from. Our recommendation is solid wood cabinets. Wood expands and contracts naturally in the bathroom humidity, while particle board only expands and, over time, simply warps and must be replaced. We have cabinet lines for every budget. The majority of our clients are going with furniture piece vanities. These vanities come with integrated countertops. They offer better pricing and design options, but are limited to certain widths. You will only find these pieces in 36”,42”,48”,60”,and 72”.
For clients that prefer a custom fit, and custom options for countertops we suggest a personalized design. Our trained team of cabinet designers will help you narrow down your style by determining your cabinet species, door style, and color. It may seem overwhelming at first, but our design crew will guide you the whole way through to ensure that nothing is missed.
Quartz is the hottest and timeless trend for countertops. For larger bathrooms with a lot of counter space you can pick out your own slab at our partners warehouse. You can do this with smaller spaces, but buying a whole slab in a small space doesn’t always make economical sense, however the most popular colors are typically available in remnants from other slab cuts.

Cleanse your body and mind in a space to shower or soak that is tailored to the size and needs just for you. Simple, but beautiful heavy plate glass in semi-frameless and frameless are our go-to options for enclosures.
It’s best to stick with major manufacturers such as Kohler®, Moen®, American Standard®, Grohe and Danze. Warranties vary, so look for no less than 5-year coverage. The second biggest factor when choosing faucets is the appearance. When choosing a toilet you may want one that is taller, and has an elongated shape. This is also an excellent choice for tall or elderly people, and most men prefer the added space offered by an elongated bowl. When choosing sinks, you may want to consider pedestal or wall hung sinks which can create the illusion of space in smaller bathrooms. Just make sure you have adequate storage space since clutter makes a bathroom appear smaller. The type and material of the sink you choose should be dependent on the room’s theme. Venting for odor and humidity are vital in conditioning your space. New trends in venting integrate a Bluetooth speaker, fan combo for a clean look and music to soothe or elevate your mood.
Our team at Guilford Plumbing Supply (ask for Marty) can help you choose the fixture that is right for you, supplying top quality fixtures to ensure your selection will last. Not all fixtures are created equal, even with the same name. Big name brand manufacturers make the same external look with less reliable internal components for the big box stores.

Our Process
- Define the Scope and Establish a Budget
- Collaborate and Refine the Design
- Order the Aesthetics
- Obtain necessary Permits
- Mobilize and Commence the labor resources
- Demo-Framing and Flooring-Plumbing and Electric-1st Inspections -Insulation and Drywall-Cabinets/Tile and other finishes-Final clean and final Permits
- 2 Year Warranty – This lets you know satisfaction is our highest priority
- Demo-Framing and Flooring-Plumbing and Electric-1st Inspections -Insulation and Drywall-Cabinets/Tile and other finishes-Final clean and final Permits
- Mobilize and Commence the labor resources
- Obtain necessary Permits
- Order the Aesthetics
- Collaborate and Refine the Design